Please complete all the fields below, select your membership type with the tick box.
Full Membership - £75
Concessionary - £55 applicable to those aged over 65 years on or before March 15th, full time students, registered disabled & registered unemployed
Junior (Under 16) - Free, Associate ( Resident outwith Argyll)- £75
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PayPal: or use the PayPal link below
By Post: Iain Moody, OLAC Treasurer, 16 Meadow Rd, Dunbeg, Argyll, PA37 1QB.
Bank BACS: Account- Oban & Lorn Angling Club
Sort Code- 80-22-60
Account No 16034069
Oban and Lorn Angling Club
c/o 16 Meadow Road
By Oban
PA37 1QB