Charity Number SC 047428

Oban & Lorn Angling Club


Fly fishing in Argyll's hill lochs

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See latest  Newsletter 2025 Number 1 now, in ‘'News & Doc’s’'

Who are we?

The Oban and Lorn Angling Club was founded in the 1940s but fell away in the fifties. In 1972 the club was reformed by a group of keen anglers to promote fly- fishing links in the Lorn of Argyll with the leases of seven lochs.

Today the club has ten boats on eight lochs with additional lochs available for bank fishing only. We have further access to one side of the River Awe below the weir on the Taynuilt side for season ticket holders.

Our lochs vary from small puddles to large waters each having its own features containing mainly wild Brown Trout though there is a chance of catching an Arctic Char in some of the lochs; also escaped Rainbow Trout, Perch and Pike in Loch Avich.

All the wild trout respond to the traditional fly patterns.
Outboards to a maximum of 5hp are allowed on most club lochs.

Our club house has a meeting room and workshop which is used to repair the boats in the off season with a further compound for storing the boats and trailers. We are always looking for members to help out with the repairs and upkeep of the club house and boats.

Our membership currently stands at around 80 plus members and we hold several inter-club competitions throughout the season which are open to all members. We also have a junior section to encourage and teach the next generation. Instead of competition for the juniors we organise a fun day outing every year.

So, if you enjoy challenging fishing in some of the most glorious countryside, and would like to take advantage of our collective experience or feel you have something to offer, why not come and join us. You’ll be made very welcome.

Memberships and day tickets available at very reasonable cost. Boats for hire.

A full turn-out of the members of the Oban Angling Club 1949 for an outing to Loch Ba' Glencoe. Note the collar & ties & the 'screw top'. L to R  Alec Binne, Willie Alen, Donald Maule, Alan Mac Kilop & John Cameron (Maxton & White)

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